It is the policy of Weber Contracting #7 Ltd. to conduct our operations with the highest regard for the health and safety of our employees, our customers, and the public. Weber Contracting #7 Ltd. recognizes that all have the right to a healthy and safe environment.

In fulfilling this commitment, Weber Contracting #7 Ltd. is dedicated to providing employees with a safe and healthy work environment. We will meet all applicable health and safety legislation and accepted industry standards. Weber Contracting #7 Ltd. will make every reasonable effort to eliminate or control workplace hazards and minimize risks that have the potential to threaten health and safety.

Weber Contracting #7 Ltd. is further committed to continuous improvement in our health and safety record and program through ongoing review, training, and process and practice improvements.

Health and safety are the responsibility of employees at all levels at Weber Contracting #7 Ltd. Employees in positions of leadership have a distinct responsibility for health and safety and will be held accountable for safety performance. They must communicate safety and lead by example. All employees must follow the Weber Contracting #7 Ltd. Health and Safety Rules and Policies, maintain a positive attitude, and promote safe work practices to prevent accidents and injury involving themselves or others.

Mark Weber
PresidentWeber Contracting #7 Ltd
Date: November 1, 2013